
EAAE Fellows are distinguished members who have been awarded the title of Fellow by EAAE in recognition of their relevant and continuous contribution to the advancement of agricultural economics.

Fellow Awards program

The Fellow Awards program of the European Association of Agricultural Economists recognizes professional excellence in agricultural economics. The main criterion for selection is a relevant and continuous contribution to the advancement of agricultural economics in Europe.

Our Fellows are:

  1. Luis-Miguel Albisu
  2. Giuseppe Barbero
  3. Jean-Christophe Bureau
  4. Alison Burrell †
  5. Michele de Benedictis †
  6. Csaba Csaki
  7. Sofia Davidova
  8. Ulrich Koester
  9. Louis Mahé
  10. Steve Mc Corriston
  11. Arie Oskam
  12. Quirino Paris
  13. Michel Petit
  14. Krijn Poppe
  15. Eugenia Serova
  16. Johan Swinnen
  17. Stefan Tangermann
  18. Guido Van Huylenbroeck
  19. Jerzy Wilkin  
  20. Vinus Zachariasse

Achievements should be in research, teaching, administration and service to the profession. “Relevant and continuous” contribution to the advancement of agricultural economics in Europe means an exceptional contribution over a period of years, to be demonstrated by a combination of achievements in at least two of the following areas: research discoveries; outstanding teaching record; outstanding performance in administration; outstanding contribution to the profession through service.



Nominations for the running triennial period can be made by one or more individuals who are members of the Association. The documentation provided should make clear the impact the nominated individual has made in the areas of achievement to which he or she has contributed to the advancement of the profession in Europe. This evidence could include, but is not limited to, reference to publications, awards, honors, reports and testimonials about deserving tasks undertaken and outcomes achieved, as well as other contributions to the profession. The nomination package will include the name(s) and institution(s) of the nominator(s), a recent CV of the nominee and an accompanying letter explaining to the Fellows Selection Committee the main reasons for the nomination. The Board decides on the Fellow Awards, from among the nominees proposed by the Fellows Selection Committee; the list of the nominees contains twice the maximum number of Fellows to be elected (maximum four fellows per triennial period can be elected). The Fellows Selection Committee is composed of six Fellows plus the PastPresident of the Association. When the ‘call for nomination Fellow Awards’ is open it is visible on the EAAE website and published in the Newsletter.