Congress – Forthcoming

Every three years the EAAE organizes a congress with a general theme in the broad field of agricultural economics. The congress brings together between 700 to 1000 academics, scholars, practitioners, stakeholders and policy makers from all over the world to discuss the latest and most pressing issues in the agri and food domain. The next EAAE congress will be held in Bonn from August 26th to 29th, 2025.

More information can be found on the website of the congress: EAAE Congress 2025. Notice that the submission deadline for Contributed Papers, Posters, and Organized Sessions is extended to February 10, 2025.

Celebration 50th Anniversary EAAE

EAAE will also celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025! We will do this with a special session on Friday, 29th of August at the occasion of 18th congress of EAAE in Bonn. 

In order to illustrate and document these past 50 years, we ask everybody who still has pictures, documents or other relevant historic material on congresses, seminars or other past events of EAAE to drop them at the following dropbox:

Short videos with interviews of former members who speak about former events are also welcome here.

Please indicate very clearly the year, name and place of the event so that we can trace it back. Please extend this invitation also to former organizers of events

Apart from that, the early career EAAE members can participate in an Early Career Spotlight Contest

Besides evocating the past, we also want to look into the future. Therefore, the EAAE, in collaboration with AgEconMeet, is launching a video contest for early career EAAE members (maximum 6 years after obtaining your PhD).

Record a video explaining the importance of your research for science and society in the years to come, and you might end up presenting your work plenary in Bonn during a special plenary ceremonial session. In addition, one final winner will be selected and awarded in that session by the Congress audience.

For further details, read this contest document.
You can upload your video before June 1st using this Dropbox link:

EAAE video contest upload

We hope to receive many creative videos!