How to organize

The following events can be organised under the flag of the EAAE:
  • Seminar
  • Webinar
  • Congress
  • PhD workshop
  • Organised session

The following information describe the different EAAE events and provide the relevant information for those wishing to organize them

EAAE seminar

An EAAE seminar is devoted to one or more specific subjects. In a non-Congress year, around six EAAE seminars are organized per year by our members. It is very important for the EAAE that we have members willing to organize seminars and those members that do are highly valued by the Association. Members also find it a rewarding activity. It is also possible to publish the paper contributions of the seminar as a special issue in the ERAE.

How to organise an EAAE seminar

Below you will find the guidelines and all the documents you need to organise an EAAE seminar. The first stage is to send a seminar proposal to the Secretary General (SG) of the EAAE according to the proposal format (see link below). Before doing so please read all the information (guidelines etc.) and use the best practice documents (see links below). A contract (see link below) is sent to seminar organisers to ensure that both parties (organisers and EAAE) comply with the EAAE requirements. After the seminar has taken place the final step is to send a report to the secretariat as (outlined in the link below). For questions please contact the Secretariat at

Important downloads:

EAAE webinar

EAAE webinars are short format (1.5 – 2 hours) events on a specific topic of interest to the members of the EAAE.

Important downloads:

EAAE Congress

The EAAE Congress takes place every three years. Four years before the date of the Congress, the Board of the EAAE publishes the ‘call for bids for organising the EAAE congress’ on the website and in the Newsletter. The call contains all the information needed to make a valid proposal (‘bid book’) for organizing the EAAE Congress, including the procedures and assessment criteria used by the EAAE board. In practice proposers are nearly always active EAAE members that have proven skills through organising an EAAE Seminar or comparable events. The 'bid book' provides information on the location proposed, the Congress facility, the accommodation, the time plan of the congress, the publication of the proceedings and the Congress fee, as well as some other items. After the deadline of the Call, the Board will make an assessment of the received bid books according the criteria described in the call. The winning bid will be announced at the next EAAE Congress. A contract (see download below) is sent to ensure that both parties (organisers and the EAAE) comply with the EAAE requirements and the bid book.

EAAE PhD workshop

The EAAE PhD workshop takes place every two years. The objective is to give European PhD students from different countries the opportunity to present their research in progress in a conference setting and to get feedback from peers and senior economists. Participants benefit from plenary sessions in which keynote speakers present their most recent contributions and provide guidance on how to successfully carry out research in the agricultural, environmental, food and development economics domain. In each EAAE PhD workshop, there is a plenary session dedicated to publication in our profession, funded by the EAAEP Foundation.

If you wish to organize a PhD workshop, the first stage is to send a proposal to the Secretary General (SG) of the EAAE describing the organization, the dates, the venue, and the registration fee. The EAAE Board discusses the proposal and decides whether to endorse it or not. After endorsement is given, the Board looks at the call for papers and publishes it on the website and in the Newsletter. The Board also helps with the plenary sessions. A contract (see download below) is sent to PhD workshop organisers to ensure that both parties (the organisers and the EAAE) comply with the EAAE requirements. After the PhD workshop has taken place the final step is to send a report to the secretariat (see download below).

Contrary to other EAAE events, PhD students do not have to be a member of the EAAE to be able to participate in the EAAE PhD workshop. For questions please contact the Secretariat at

EAAE organised session

Here you can find the Code of Professional Conduct:

The EAAE is regularly invited by sister Associations (for example the AAEA and AARES) to propose organized sessions to be held within their congresses. When this occurs a call for EAAE proposals is sent to EAAE members (through the EAAE newsletter and the EAAE website). The call also specifies the format required by the sister Association for the session. Once the proposals are received, the EAAE board then selects the session that will be labelled as the EAAE organized session. Once the EAAE labelled session has been accepted by the sister association, final details if any are discussed directly between the session organisers and the congress organisers.