Publication Committee
The EAAE has a Publication Committee that is responsible for the management of the EAAE publications. The Publication Committee has its own legal identity that is the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation (for short: EAAEP Foundation).
The relation between the EAAE and the EAAEP is governed by a contract
Legal status
The EAAEP Foundation is a foundation under Dutch law whose objective is to support and enlarge the publication possibilities for European researchers in the area of agricultural and applied economics and policy. The EAAEP Foundation is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 41154716, Banker: Rabobank Vallei en Rijn, IBAN NL23 RABO 0356 8114 25.
For more information on the EAAEP Foundation, contact:
Alfons Oude Lansink, Honorary Secretary-Treasurer
via Wageningen University, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN, The Netherlands
Board of the Foundation
The EAAEP Foundation is governed by a Board, that consists of at least three persons. They are in office for 6 years, and can be re-appointed. A rotation scheme applies. For the position of one of the board members a nomination is asked from the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE).
The Board of the EAAEP Foundation consists of the following persons:
- Prof. Thomas Heckelei (Chair, 2012 – 2017; 1-1-2018 – present)
- Prof. Alfons Oude Lansink (Honorary Secretary Treasurer, 1-1-2024 - present)
- Prof. Tim Lloyd (2017 – 1-1-2023; 2023 – present)
- Prof. Jill J. McCluskey (15-7-2021 – present)
- Prof. Paolo Sckokai (1-11-2014 – 2020; 1-1-2021 – present)
- Prof. Steve McCorriston (1-1-2024 - present)
You can find a list of previous Board members
EAAEP Foundation Awards
The EAAEP Foundation runs its own awards programs.
Outstanding ERAE Journal Article
For the Outstanding European Review of Agricultural Economics (ERAE) Journal Article Award, all articles published in the Review in the last year are automatically eligible. The ERAE Editorial Board selects the recipient; there is therefore no formal nomination procedure.
Historically the EAAE awarded an annual prize for the outstanding journal article in the ERAE by a young scientist. Between 1995 and 2008 authors of the paper had to be 35 years of age or younger (at the time of submitting). Since 2008 the age limit has been removed and the award is simply given to the best paper. As with other EAAE awards, the award is the prize and no monetary prize is given.
ERAE Referee Award
Since 2015 the EAAE has introduced an annual Referee Award, to recognise the contribution of referees to the success and profile of the ERAE and, in a number of cases, the considerable value they add to papers that are finally published in the ERAE. In their selection procedure, the editors consider typical referee qualities as willingness to review, speed and content of the review in terms of relevance, exhaustiveness, constructiveness and consistency in follow-up.
The 2024 Referee Awardees are:
- Christophe Gouel - INRAE Paris-Saclay Applied Economics Research
- Liesbeth Colen - Georg August University, Gottingen
- Achilles Vasillopoulos - Agricultural University of Athens
- Lucca Zachmann - ETH Zurich
ERAE Lecture
The EAAEP Foundation sponsors one invited key note speaker at the EAAE congress which leads within the Aims and Scope to a leading article in the ERAE. The following distinghuised scholars have held the ERAE Lecture:
- 2011, Zurich: Christian Gollier
- 2014, Ljubljana: Louis-Georges Soler and Vincent Requillart (INRA, France): “Is the reduction of chronic diseases related to food consumption in the hands of the food industry?”
- 2017, Parma: Olivier de Schutter: The political economy of food systems reform
- 2021 Prague (digital) – no ERAE lecture presented
- 2023 Rennes: Thom Jayne (Michigan State University): Coming to Grips with the Performance of Agricultural Systems in Africa
History of the Foundation
The EAAEP Foundation was established in 1972 as the Foundation To Publish ERAE with the aim to give legal status to the ERAE and to raise funds for establishing the Review. The first issue of the ERAE was published in the spring of 1973 with the Dutch firm Mouton as publisher.
Founding fathers were Jan de Veer (at that time vice-director of the Dutch Agricultural Economics Research Institute LEI and first editor of the European Review of Agricultural Economics), Denis K. Britton (Professor at Wye College, Ashford – Kent, UK) and Philippe Mainié (Professor and member of the Societé Francaise d’Economie Rurale, France). How the ‘Founding Fathers’ developed the ERAE has been described in a journal article published in the ERAE (See ERAE 21-3/4, p. 597-602).
After 40 years Arie Oskam (Professor Emeritus at Wageningen University, the Netherlands and long-time Honorary Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation) took the initiative to update the Statutes of the Foundation, including a name change, which came into force in 2013.
The first issue of the ERAE appeared in 1973. Sicco Mansholt (as former Commissioner of Agriculture and Temporary President of the European Commission) wrote the first article, entitled ‘How can agricultural economists help to solve Europe’s agricultural problems?‘.
In 1992 the ERAE became ‘the Official Journal of the EAAE’. This was initiated because the Rabobank provided support to the EAAE-Congress at The Hague in 1990 and this support was mainly targeted at the Congress issue of the ERAE (Volume 18-3/4). It took a while to include this in the pages of the ERAE, but the first time this shows up is in issue 20-3 of the ERAE in 1993.
From 1995 on the EAAE started to award a prize for the best paper in the ERAE by a young scientist. To qualify the author had to be younger than 35 years. In 2008 this was changed into an award for the best paper (for all ages).
In the 1990s the ERAE went through a number of changes, that made the Foundation more relevant for the existence of the journal. When Arie Oskam (Wageningen University) took over as editor from Kees Burger (originally LEI, later Free University Amsterdam and then Wageningen University, who succeeded Jan de Veer as editor and later became a long time chair of the Foundation) the Dutch Organisation for fundamental research NWO was still subsidizing the ERAE. Arie Oskam started converting the ERAE to a fully market-based journal, where funding had to come from sales to libraries. He became honorary Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation, and Alison Burrell (Wageningen University) took over as editor.
During the 1980s, Mouton had merged with the Berlin-based publishing firm Walter de Gruyter. In 1999, publication shifted to Oxford University Press (OUP) and at that time the current ownership arrangements were created: the EAAEP Foundation is the owner of and has the exclusive right to publish the European Review of Agricultural Economics. The copyright in the material published in the ERAE shall be licensed by its authors jointly to the Publisher and the Foundation in equal shares as tenants in common.
In 2007 two new editors (Thomas Heckelei and Paolo Sckokai) joint Alison Burrell and in 2009 she handed over the editorship to Christoph Weiss. At the same time the Board of the Foundation was enlarged. In 2012 Kees Burger stepped down as a long-time chair of the Foundation and a year later Arie Oskam did the same as Honorary Secretary-Treasurer.
In 2008 the Foundation ERAE (with the knowledge of Arie Oskam) and the EAAE (with at that time Krijn Poppe as Secretary General) documented their joint history (published on the website of the EAAE). In 2010 they signed a memorandum of understanding available here: MoU Relationship EAAE – ERAE. Important aspects of the relationship between the EAAEP Foundation and the EAAE were:
- The ERAE is the Official Journal of the EAAE
- The reduced subscription rate of the ERAE for EAAE members
- The EAAE hands out a yearly award for the best paper in the ERAE.
- The nomination of one board member of the EAAEP Foundation by the EAAE Board, in line with the statutes of the EAAEP Foundation
- An editor of the ERAE attends as an ex-officio member the Board meetings of the EAAE, in line with the constitution of the EAAE
- ERAE editors are involved in the EAAE PhD workshops, at the cost of the EAAEP Foundation
- The invited papers of the three-yearly EAAE congress are published in a special issue of the ERAE and this issue is distributed to the congress participants.
- The EAAEP Foundation sponsors one invited key note speaker at the EAAE congress which leads within the Aims and Scope to a leading article in the ERAE
- In case of a vacancy for an editor the EAAE members are invited to apply for this post.
- The EAAE Board will be consulted in case the Aims and Scope of the ERAE are revised or new initiatives are taken
- EAAE Seminar organisers are invited to make proposals to the ERAE editors on special issues.
In 2013 Krijn Poppe and Thomas Heckelei took over the Foundation from Arie Oskam and Kees Burger. Arie ended his long term service for the Foundation with renewing the statutes, renaming the Foundation as the EAAEP Foundation, and making it possible to publish also additional journals. The official statutes of the EAAEP Foundation were in Dutch. Here is an English translation of that constitution (that in 2019 was replaced).
In 2017 the EAAEP Foundation started discussions with the EAAE to bring their relation more in line with that of other associations (learned societies). This has resulted in the current governance arrangements and a renewal of the statutes. It implied that the Foundation became responsible on behalf of the EAAE for EuroChoices (together with AES) as of 1.1.2020.
For some years there was discussion on the development to Open Access and what this would imply for the business model of the ERAE. In 2018 this resulted in serious discussions with OUP on an open access journal with a sound science approach. This became Q Open, with Iain Fraser as editor.
The Foundation ERAE (now the EAAEP Foundation) and the EAAE were created in a joint process in the first half of the 1970s. This process started at the 1970 Congress of the IAAE in Minsk where a group of Europeans started to discuss the need for closer European cooperation via a European Association and a journal. Several sponsors provided funds to get this started. The need for the ERAE was immediately clear as national journals in their native languages were seen as a barrier to the exchange of research results. With a grant of $ 10,000 by the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), and after a start meeting in Siena (21-24 September 1972), the ERAE was established. The creation of the EAAE went slower and took place in 1975 at its first congress in Uppsala (Sweden). It took quite some time before this relationship became one that resembles the organisation of many other learned societies, that organise congresses and other scientific events, as well as publish journals (with often a cross subsidisation in which royalties of the journals are used to organise events). In 2017 the Foundation and the EAAE took steps to align each other more closely. This has not only been implemented in the statutes of the EAAE and the EAAEP Foundation, but also with a legal binding contract between the two entities.